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BRC Packaging

BRCGS is a standard for food safety. The standard describes the hygiene and food safety requirements for food processing companies that supply directly to the retail sector. You can also think of packaging materials for foodstuffs.

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FSSC 22000

The FSSC 22000 Standard has been created through Stichting Certificatie Voedselveiligheid (SCV). As a food-oriented version of the ISO 22000 Standard, this certification programme has been set up as a global guideline in food safety and quality within various industries. This standard is aimed at the entire production chain and as such, it is ideally suited for international harmonisation, partly thanks to the recognition by the GFSI. In addition to its connection with ISO 22000, the FSSC 22000 has many comparisons with the HACCP criteria, making it an attractive variant with the best of both worlds from these programmes. Thanks to the internationally accepted nature of the FSSC and the chain-wide approach within this certification programme, we recognise a strong food safety management system in this standard.

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